Fondation Burotop Iris

In-service teacher training

The Burotop Iris Foundation, alongside the Action Réal and Pratic associations, has contributed to the training of 45 teachers from Brazzaville on the themes of pedagogy and digital technology. This initiative is part of our commitment to supporting the professionalization of teaching staff, a crucial issue for education.

Beneficiaries came from 11 schools in the capital. To consolidate their achievements, assessments will be carried out by the academic inspectorate and Action Réal.

Buoyed by the enthusiasm generated by this project, the Burotop Iris Foundation is already planning to extend its action in 2023 to Dolisie and Ouesso, then in 2024 to Pointe-Noire and Owando.

In-service teacher training is an essential lever for improving the quality of education delivered to pupils. By contributing to the national effort in this area, alongside the educational authorities, the Burotop Iris Foundation is reaffirming its commitment to the future of Congolese youth.