Fondation Burotop Iris

Nos papas nos mamans » operations

As part of the « Nos papas, nos mamans » operation, the BUROTOP IRIS Foundation donated fresh food, hygiene and household products to four retirement homes in Brazzaville: La Maison des seniors, Les petites sœurs des pauvres, Paul Kamba and ACA. This initiative is part of the Foundation’s commitment to paying tribute to and supporting the elderly, […]

In-service teacher training

The Burotop Iris Foundation, alongside the Action Réal and Pratic associations, has contributed to the training of 45 teachers from Brazzaville on the themes of pedagogy and digital technology. This initiative is part of our commitment to supporting the professionalization of teaching staff, a crucial issue for education. Beneficiaries came from 11 schools in the […]